Women’s Ministry
All ages | There is a place for you!
Mission and Vision
We aim to nurture, equip, connect, and encourage the women of Castle Oaks Church as we grow together in Christ, in community, and step out in faith. To embrace the opportunities available to us as women to love and serve Jesus, one another, our church, our community, and our world. We’ll do this through a variety of events and gatherings throughout the year. Bible studies occur through the school year and usually break for summer.
Bible Study Groups
Our women’s bible study groups are varied in topic, style, leaders, location, and day/time. All women are welcome, and we encourage you to choose what interests you most. We believe that when we gather to study, to share and explore God’s word together, friendships and faith grow.
Join a fabulous group of women, that love to study the Bible on Tuesday mornings at Castle Oaks Church. Beginning January 14th and continuing through April 29th this group will begin a study entitled, "Starlight Stories: Overview of Narratives from Genesis to Revelation That Include Stars". Click HERE to register. Any questions please reach out to info@castleoaks.org.
Looking to make some deeper connections? Consider joining our Tues night Women's study group meeting every other Tuesday night. This group of ladies will be kicking off a new study on Feb 4th called: “Esther: Daring Faith for such a Time as This” by Kelly Minter. Register HERE to be included in the group email list and order your study book HERE. Reach out with any questions to info@castleoaks.org.
We’d love to have you join us every Wednesday at 10am in the church conference room. We will be starting a new study called “From The Inside Out” by Renovaré. This six-part course presents big questions to help you on the journey of Christian Spiritual Formation—the process of growing in freedom and wholeness and becoming more like Jesus from the inside out. Register for the group HERE. (No materials to purchase at this time.)
Do you love connecting with women and love to study the Bible? Then don't miss out on getting to do both at this online women's Bible study. Beginning Jan 15th. This group of ladies will continue their inductive Bible study in the Gospel of John but anyone new is welcomed to join anytime. Be sure to click HERE to register and then an email with the Zoom link to join the meeting will be sent to you. Reach out to info@castleoaks.org with any questions.
Join a wonderful group of ladies online beginning Jan 9th as they kick of a new study called "The Women Of The Bible Speak" by Shannon Bream. Click HERE to register and then you will receive an email with the Zoom link to join the group. Reach out with any questions to info@castleoaks.org.
Order the book HERE and the workbook HERE.