Uniform Services Support
In accordance with our Covenant Affirmations, the mission for the Uniform Services Support Ministry is to join with the Castle Oaks community to recognize and proactively support active and veteran members of the uniform military armed forces and first responders within Castle Oaks Church and the larger Castle Rock community.
We would love to learn more about those among us who have served or are currently serving in the Uniform Services (any military branch, first responder, law enforcement, fire and wild-land fire service, etc.) both service information and any need or way we can serve you. We’re also looking to building our volunteer team!
Please take a few minutes to complete a quick SURVEY.
Military Services Support
To include all active, reserve, national guard, and veteran service members in all military branches.
Prayer requests for all military members. **
Ongoing support through individual care packages, cards/letters sent to active military members within the church. **
Visit local senior centers to recognize veterans. *
Provide transportation services to VA facilities. *
Provide informational/directional assistance toward:
Health services resources available in the community, state, and nation.
Financial assistance through Douglas County Veterans Affairs Office and Douglas County Veterans Monument Foundation.
Employment opportunities within the local community.
First Responder Support
To include all law enforcement and fire department agencies within the town and county including US national, state, and local forestry personnel.
Prayer requests for first responders. **
Volunteer services availability at local law enforcement and fire departments. **
Uniform Services Recognition
Volunteer opportunities recognizing Veterans Day and Memorial Day services including National Wreaths Across America at Castle Rock’s Cedar Hill Cemetery. **
Recognition of all local first responders on First Responders Appreciation Day.
Recognition of Peace Officers Memorial Day.
* Volunteer activity available for adults
** Volunteer activity available for adults and youth
Quarterly Newsletter
You can reach our ministry team or submit a prayer request by completing the form below, or send us an email: ussm@castleoaks.org.